
时间:2010-12-09  阅读:    我要评论:

Xiaoxuan Qi et al.
Abstract: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v468/n7325/abs/nature09605.html
Article: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v468/n7325/full/nature09605.html

Structure of a bacterial ribonuclease P holoenzyme in complex with  tRNA pp784 - 789
tRNAs are synthesized in a premature form that requires trimming of  the 5′ and 3′ ends and modification of specific nucleotides. RNase  P, a complex containing a long catalytic RNA and a protein cofactor,  catalyses the cleavage that generates the mature 5′ end. Here, the  structure of RNase P bound to mature tRNAPhe is solved. Recognition of  the leader sequence and its mechanism of cleavage is determined by  soaking an oligonucleotide corresponding to the premature 5′ end into  the crystal.
Nicholas J. Reiter et al.
Abstract: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v468/n7325/abs/nature09516.html
Article: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v468/n7325/full/nature09516.html

Quantitative reactivity profiling predicts functional cysteines in  proteomes pp790 - 795
Cysteine is the most intrinsically nucleophilic amino acid in  proteins, but the absence of a consensus sequence that defines  functional cysteines in proteins has hindered their discovery and  characterization. Here, a proteomics method to quantitatively profile  the intrinsic reactivity of cysteine residues directly in native  biological systems is described. Hyper-reactive cysteines were  identified in several proteins of uncharacterized function, including  a residue conserved across eukaryotes that is shown to be required for  yeast viability and involved in iron–sulphur protein biogenesis.
Eranthie Weerapana et al.
Abstract: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v468/n7325/abs/nature09472.html
Article: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v468/n7325/full/nature09472.html

A lower limit of Δz > 0.06 for the duration of the reionization  epoch pp796 - 798
Observations of the 21-centimetre line of atomic hydrogen in the early  Universe directly probe the history of the reionization of the gas  between galaxies. If reionization happened rapidly, there will be a  characteristic signature visible against the smooth foreground in an  all-sky spectrum. Here, an all-sky average spectrum between 100 and  200 MHz is reported, corresponding to the redshift range 6
Judd D. Bowman and Alan E. E. Rogers
Abstract: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v468/n7325/abs/nature09601.html
Article: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v468/n7325/full/nature09601.html

Snapshots of cooperative atomic motions in the optical suppression of  charge density waves pp799 - 802
The development of table-top femtosecond electron diffraction sources  in recent years has opened up a new way to observe atomic motions in  crystalline materials undergoing structural changes. Here, the  technique is used to study the charge density wave material 1T-TaS2,  where a modulation of the electron density is accompanied by a  periodic lattice distortion. In this femtosecond electron diffraction  experiment, where atomic motions are observed in response to a 140  femtosecond optical pulse, the periodic lattice distortion is found to  collapse on an exceptionally fast timescale (about 250 femtoseconds),  indicative of an electronically driven process involving a highly  cooperative process.


《Nature》目录要览 — 2011-04-28出版
关键词: 《Nature》

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来源:Nature  作者:Environmentor  (环境人 Environmentor.Cn


