
时间:2011-01-20  阅读:    我要评论:

John Kormendy and Ralf Bender
Abstract: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v469/n7330/abs/nature09695.html
Article: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v469/n7330/full/nature09695.html

Directed self-assembly of a colloidal kagome lattice pp381 - 384
This paper demonstrates a simple route for encoding a predetermined  superstructure into the surface properties of colloidal spheres,  enabling them to self-assemble into an intricate open crystalline  lattice that is quite distinct from the close-packed periodic  arrangements commonly encountered in colloidal crystals.
This paper demonstrates a simple route for encoding a predetermined  superstructure into the surface properties of colloidal spheres,  enabling them to self-assemble into an intricate open crystalline  lattice that is quite distinct from the close-packed periodic  arrangements commonly encountered in colloidal crystals.
Qian Chen, Sung Chul Bae and Steve Granick
Abstract: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v469/n7330/abs/nature09713.html
Article: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v469/n7330/full/nature09713.html

Probing the electromagnetic field of a 15-nanometre hotspot by single  molecule imaging pp385 - 388
On rough metallic surfaces hotspots appear under optical illumination  that concentrate light to tens of nanometres. This effect can be used  to detect molecules, as weak fluorescence signals are strongly  enhanced by the hotspots. Such hotspots are associated with localized  electromagnetic modes, caused by the randomness of the surface  texture, but the detailed profile of the local electromagnetic field  is unknown. Here, an ingenious approach is described, making use of  the Brownian motion of single molecules to probe the local field. The  study succeeds in imaging the fluorescence enhancement profile of  single hotspots on the surface of aluminium thin-film and silver  nanoparticle clusters with accuracy down to one nanometre, and finds  that the field distribution in a hotspot follows an exponential decay.
Hu Cang et al.
Abstract: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v469/n7330/abs/nature09698.html
Article: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v469/n7330/full/nature09698.html

Grains and grain boundaries in single-layer graphene atomic patchwork  quilts pp389 - 392
Single-atom-thick graphene sheets can be produced at metre scales,  bringing large-area applications in electronics and photovoltaics  closer. However, such large pieces can be expected to be  polycrystalline, so that it is important to determine the nature and  size of grains in large-area graphene. This paper uses a combination  of old and new transmission electron microscope techniques to carry  out atomic-resolution imaging at grain boundaries as well as mapping  of the location, orientation and shape of several hundred grains and  boundaries with diffraction-filtered imaging. By correlating grain  imaging with scanned probe and transport measurements, it is shown  that the grain boundaries dramatically weaken the mechanical strength  of graphene membranes, but do not as dramatically alter their  electrical properties.
Pinshane Y. Huang et al.
Abstract: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v469/n7330/abs/nature09718.html
Article: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v469/n7330/full/nature09718.html


《Nature》目录要览 — 2011-04-28出版

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来源:Nature  作者:Environmentor  (环境人 Environmentor.Cn


