Unbounded boundaries and shifting baselines: Estuaries and Coastal Aeas in a rapidly changing world
时间:2014-09-23 阅读: 我要评论:
ECSA 55 - Unbounded boundaries and shifting baselines: Estuaries and Coastal Aeas in a rapidly changing world to be held in London, UK from the 6-9 September 2015.

Submit your Abstract
Present your latest research at this leading conference and share with an international audience of researchers in your field. Oral and poster abstracts are invited on the following conference topics:
- People and coasts through time.
- Biology and ecology of coastal and estuarine systems: evolution, adaptation and shifting baselines.
- Physical and chemical processes in estuaries and coasts: geochemical, sedimentary, hydrodynamic and geomorphological change.
- Interactions between biological, geochemical and physical processes: fluxes and functions.
- Valuing estuaries and coasts: Shifting social, economic and cultural perspectives.
- Managing challenges: Working towards resilient and sustainable coasts and estuaries.
- Estuaries and coasts in the future: Prediction and adaptation.
- The challenges of heavily modified, industrialised megacity estuaries.
Submit your abstract by the 27 March 2015.
Propose a Special Session
We are inviting delegates to propose and convene special organised sessions for ECSA 55. For more information click here.
Deadline for proposing a session: Monday 3 November 2014
ECSA 55 brings together a global multi-disciplinary community of researchers and professionals to discuss and address issues of outstanding scientific importance in the science and management of estuaries and coastal seas in this rapidly changing world.
ECSA 55 will focus on learning lessons from the past, discussing the current and forecasting for the future, spanning environmental, anthropogenic and climatic impacts on estuaries and coastal seas across the globe.
ECSA 55 will be held in London on the banks of the Thames Estuary, a heavily modified, industrial megacity estuary. As with all megacity estuaries, the Thames is a valuable resource which faces competing, and often conflicting socio-economic and environmental demands. The need to balance these demands in a complex environment, whilst confronting the consequences of climate change, requires innovative multi-sectoral management approaches based on excellent and fit-for-purpose science.
Invited speakers will be announced soon, please register for news updates to be kept informed of new developments.
Conference Chair
Dr Sally Little, ECSA Conference Coordinator, Institute of Estuarine and Coastal Studies, University of Hull, UK
Scientific Committee
Prof Victor de Jonge, Editor-in-Chief Ocean & Coastal Management, Institute of Estuarine and Coastal Studies, University of Hull, UK
Prof Mike Elliott, Editor-in-Chief Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Institute of Estuarine and Coastal Studies, University of Hull, UK
Dr Henk Schuttelaars, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Dr Kate Spencer, ECSA President-Elect,School of Geography, Queen Mary, University of London, UK
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来源:环境人 作者:Environmentor (环境人 Environmentor.Cn)
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