ISGC-2015 will bring together those who do research in Green Chemistry : Academic scientists, R&D researchers, key opinion leaders, young researchers ...
ISGC-2015 will offer 200 oral communications (flash & oral communications) & several poster sessions.
During ISGC-2015, the organizing committee with the expertise of the scientific committee will proceed to green chemistry awards:
- An ISGC "Green Chemistry" Award
- A Young Researcher Award (<35 years). The winner will be invited to give an oral communication
- Poster Awards
Green Chemistry will publish a themed Issue containing selected papers from ISGC-2015.
We invite you to participate in the ISGC scientific program
Submit your abstract before 15th October
Click here
9 topics :
ISGC-2015 aims to encompass a large number of topics on the field of green chemistry. ISGC-2015 will cover 9 general topics related to :
1. biomass conversion 6. atom-economy synthesis
2. alternative solvents 7. eco-technology
3. clean hydrogen production 8. predictive methods for green chemistry
4. chemical valorization of waste 9. environmental and ethical assessments
5. bio-based polymers and materials
confirmed Plenary lectures
Confirmed plenary lectures : click here
- Prof John Warner - Warner Babcock Institute for Green Chemistry, LLC, Wilmington / USA
- Prof Regina Palkovits - Institut für Technische und Makromolekulare Chemie, Aachen / Germany
- Prof Matthias Beller - Leibniz-Institut für Katalyse, Rostock / Germany
- Prof Peter Seidl - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro / Brazil
- Dr Mannepalli Lakshmi Kantam - CSIR - Indian Institute of Chemical Technology / India
- Prof Marc Fontecave - Collège de France / France
- Prof Martyn Poliakoff - University of Nottingham / UK
- Prof Buxing Han - Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing / China
- Prof Robin Rogers - University of Alabama / USA
- Prof Javier Perez-Ramirez - ETH Zurich. Institute for Chemical and Bioengineering / Switzerland
- Dr Kamel Ramdani - Process & Technology Department Manager - SOLVAY / France
- Dr Christophe Rupp-Dahlemi - VP R&D based Chemistry - ROQUETTE / France
- Dr Denis Prat - Chemistry & Biotechnology Development - SANOFI / France
- Dr Jean Paul Lange - Principal Research Scientist - SHELL / France
- Dr Francesco Degli Innocenti - Chief of the Division of Products Ecology - NOVAMONT / Italy
- Dr Damien Delcroix - Engineer Molecular Catalysis Department - IFPEN / France
- Prof Fabrizio Cavani - Dipartemento di Chimica Industriale - Università di Bologna / Italy
- Prof David J. Cole-Hamilton - School of Chemistry - University of St. Andrews / Scotland
- Dr Francesco Di Renzo - Advanced Materials for Catalysis and Health - Institut Charles Gerhardt / France
- Prof. Dr. Andreas Kuenkel - Vice President Research Biopolymers - BASF / Germany
- Speaker to be confirmed - L'Oréal / France
Registration :
Registration Is NOW OPEN.
Registration fee (500 € for early bird registration) Includes :
- All scientific sessions, including poster sessions
- All conference materials
- List of participants and abstract book
- Opening cocktail reception (4th May 2015)
- Lunch & coffee break (4 days)
Register now : click here
Conference Venue : La Rochelle ...

La Rochelle is a city in western France and a seaport on the bay of biscay, a part of the atlantic ocean.
The scientific program, the city, the conference venue (l'Encan), hospitality, organization, make ISGC 2015 a major event in the field of green chemistry.
During your stay in La Rochelle, take time to enjoy life! Whether you want to relax, to discover Ile de Ré, Ile d'Oléron, ... Visit La Rochelle :
exhibition & sponsoring
ISGC 2015 offers an exhibition hall for Start-ups, SMEs, public institutions … to present their expertise and latest innovations.
If you want to book a stand or to sponsor ISGC 2015, click here
ISGC 2015 Team
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