3rd IWA / WEF Wastewater Treatment Modelling Seminar 2012

时间:2011-10-04  阅读:    我要评论:

3rd IWA / WEF Wastewater Treatment Modelling Seminar 2012

26-28 February 2012
Mont-Sainte-Anne, Québec, Canada

Website: www.modeleau.org/WWTmod2012

Submission of abstracts papers: extended to 16 September 2011
Submission of  full papers: 23 January 2012

WWTmod2012 is the third seminar in the modelling series started in 2008. The positive feedback on the first two seminars encouraged the organizers to plan the third seminar for 2012. The previous seminars have resulted in 30 direct publications, with the papers from the 2008 seminar already having collected 47 citations. Inspired by the modelling seminar series in Kollekolle (Denmark) WWTmod promotes the dialog between experts by providing a regular discussion platform on all aspects of wastewater treatment modelling, especially “within fence” (whole plant modelling).
Stricter effluent limits for nutrients and other contaminants, and concerns about plant efficiency, climate change, and emerging contaminants are driving new model development efforts and more and more sophisticated
application of modelling.
The main objective of the seminar is to present recent findings and successful case studies with the aim of bringing together different “schools” and approaches. The aim of this seminar is to build consensus and clarify differences on topics where discussion has matured. The process of consensus building is supported by bringing together a balanced group of key people from research, consulting companies, equipment suppliers and wastewater treatment plants. Toward this end, WWTmod2012 will be highlighting the new Good Modelling Practice (GMP) STR throughout the seminar, to familiarize attendees with the procedures and methods developed by that group. Additionally, selected items (ideas, research holes, concepts) will be highlighted, and kept track of, during the seminar to capture the thoughts of the attendees.
The widespread use of wastewater treatment models depends on the development of widely accepted standards and procedures. The organizers hope this seminar will contribute to the further development of “Good Modelling Practice” in this field.

Proposed Themes:
Modelling of wastewater treatment plants as a whole (within fence/whole plant/plantwide modelling), with a focus of the use of models in plant design and operation:
plant design and operation
activated sludge (traditional and MBR)
biofilm processes (including MBBR)
anaerobic digestion
sidestream treatment
separation processes
water chemistry
priority pollutants - microconstituents
uncertainty, calibration, validation
and especially the interaction of process units

Contact:  Confernece Organiser
Email: bruce.johnson2@ch2m.com
Website: www.modeleau.org/WWTmod2012



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关键词:IWA,WEF,Wastewater Treatment Modelling

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