世界知名环境公司 - 美国生态与环境公司 Ecology and Environment, Inc.
时间:2009-10-14 阅读: 我要评论:
世界知名环境公司 - 美国生态与环境公司 Ecology and Environment, Inc.
能源 政府 | 紧急事件规划和管理 信息技术 | 可持续性 水资源 |
E & E is committed to working with its clients worldwide to provide solutions to environmental issues in the highest quality, most professional manner.
As the world has become more interconnected, we have established ourselves globally. As the pace of change around the world accelerates, many new opportunities and challenges arise.
To respond to these opportunities we will continue our long history of leading the market with innovative, multidisciplinary solutions to complex environmental and human health issues. We will form interdisciplinary teams, communicate our knowledge around the world, act fast, and be administratively efficient. In every location around the world we will act in cooperation with subsidiaries, affiliates, and partners and provide quality in our technical work, our reports, and all that we do.
We expect a lot of ourselves and our fellow employees. We require good communication, technical expertise, knowledge, hard work, professionalism, and ethics. We are all teammates, and we will work cooperatively for the success of our clients, the company, and our employees.
We are committed to providing better solutions to the conflicts between development and the environment. We embrace the concept of sustainability in a very holistic way. To us, sustainability means we will incorporate lasting and effective solutions into projects and our operations. It also means our company will be profitable, invest in itself, and grow with our global opportunities.
“绿色中国”环保企业名单 |
美国10家著名能源企业及其前沿科技介绍 |
2009年中国固废十大影响力企业 |
世界知名环境公司 - 美国生态与环境公司 Ecology and Environment, Inc. |
挪威阿科凌(Aqualyng)有限公司 |
世界知名环境公司 - 法国威立雅环境集团 Veolia Water |
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来源: 作者: (环境人 Environmentor.Cn)