时间:2009-05-07 阅读:
Nature 459, 31 (7 May 2009) | doi:10.1038/459031a; Published online 6 May 2009
The potential for water conflict is on the increase
Zbigniew W. Kundzewicz1,2 & Piotr Kowalczak3 Institute for Agricultural and Forest Environment, Polish Academy of Sciences, Bukowska 19, 60-809 Pozna
, Poland Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Telegrafenberg, 14412 Potsdam, Germany
Email: kundzewicz@yahoo.com Institute for Agricultural and Forest Environment, Polish Academy of Sciences, Bukowska 19, 60-809 Pozna
, Poland
Wendy Barnaby dispels the myth of future water wars, arguing that countries "solve their water shortages through trade and international agreements" (see Nature 458, 282–283; 2009). But water has often been the object, target or weapon of military or terrorist action, including in former conflicts between Iraq and Iran, Syria and Iraq, Israel and Syria, and South Africa and Lesotho (see Peter H. Gleick's water conflict chronology at http://tinyurl.com/ce776f). These range from small-scale demonstrations and border skirmishes to the destruction of irrigation and water-supply systems and the poisoning of water supplies. Problems can arise when humans have too little or too much water, or water that is too dirty, and countries may accuse one another of amplifying these problems. But if a pollution incident in one country kills biological life in an international river, the downstream riparian nations will collaborate to reduce damage and prevent reoccurrence; likewise, countries usually cooperate after a disastrous flood. More difficult conflicts can arise in areas of water scarcity, but nations are increasingly willing to negotiate rather than to go to war.
A handful of arid-climate countries receive nearly all their water from abroad by means of shared rivers. The water resources of Turkmenistan, Egypt, Uzbekistan, Syria and Israel depend on neighbouring countries. Several countries successfully share international rivers within the framework of river commissions, as well as lakes and aquifers through international bodies. Small-scale water disputes can lead to the development of diplomacy and help to prevent bigger water wars.
However, the potential for water conflict is on the increase, as populations in water-stressed areas continue to grow and the demand for water increases to improve living standards with better sanitation and a water-intensive diet. In arid areas, water scarcity is likely to be exacerbated by climate change (B. Bates et al. Climate Change and Water Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; 2008; http://tinyurl.com/c4kd2e). The potential for water conflict — war or no war — deserves careful attention.
Nature 459, 31 (7 May 2009) | doi:10.1038/459031c; Published online 6 May 2009
Water is a source of cooperation rather than war
Uri Shamir1, Stephen Grand1 & Nancy Grand1 Water Research Institute, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 32000, Israel
Email: shamir@technion.ac.il
Water, like any scarce common resource, creates competition that can lead to conflict, but, as Wendy Barnaby concludes in her Essay, wars are not waged over water (see Nature 458, 282–283; 2009). Her message is borne out by my own experience as senior adviser to the Israeli Water Authority. The Jordan-Israel Peace Treaty, signed in October 1994, includes a chapter on water that has been in operation for more than 14 years to the satisfaction of both parties. Jordan's chief water negotiator, Munther J. Haddadin, in a review of the history that led up to the treaty, notes that "The claim that the June war of 1967 was a 'water war' is not substantiated" (M. J. Haddadin Diplomacy on the Jordan Kluwer; 2001).
In 1995 Israel signed the Oslo II Interim Agreement with the Palestinian Authority, in which Article 40 ('Water and sewage') was intended to serve for a period of five years while a permanent agreement was drawn up. Although this has not yet happened, both sides adhere to the interim agreement as a basis for coordinated management of their water resources. Despite the difficult security situation, the Joint Water Committee set up by the agreement has met and communicated regularly, and Israel has increased the water supply to the Palestinian Water Authority over and above that stipulated in the agreement, in response to Palestinian needs and requests.
Water, by its very nature, has a proven potential for engendering cooperation between nations rather than being a cause for war.
Obama revokes endangered species rule
President Barack Obama last week revoked a rule that limited the role of wildlife experts in reviewing roads, pipelines and other projects under the Endangered Species Act.
The rule, established in the last weeks of George W. Bush's administration, allowed federal agencies planning such projects to make decisions about whether threatened or endangered species would be harmed, without first consulting the National Marine Fisheries Service or the Fish and Wildlife Service. Among species currently being considered by the Fish and Wildlife Service for protection under the Endangered Species Act is the American pika (pictured).
The Bush administration said that the change reduced unnecessary paperwork, but environmentalists said that it undermined a key safeguard.
Obama had promised to review the issue in early March, and the Department of the Interior followed up by rescinding the rule on 28 April.
Australia delays carbon reduction scheme
The Australian government has delayed its proposed cap-and-trade scheme for regulating greenhouse-gas emissions (see Nature 458, 554–555; 2009). Prime Minister Kevin Rudd announced on 4 May that, in order to "manage the impacts of the global recession", the system will be phased in from 1 July 2011, a year later than planned. Until July 2012, permits to emit carbon dioxide will be sold at a fixed price of Aus$10 (US$7.5) per tonne, and companies involved will be able to buy an unlimited number of them.
Rudd said he hopes to push the necessary legislation through parliament this year. He will also revise the upper limit on Australia's emissions-reduction target to 25% below 2000 levels by 2020, up from 15%, depending on agreements reached at December's UN summit in Copenhagen.