时间:2009-06-14 阅读: 我要评论:
最新一期《Nature》(2009年6月11日出版)刊登的1篇论文评述文章介绍了生物群落的自我恢复,文章介绍的研究由Yale University的Holly Jones和Oswald Schmitz完成,他们对发表在1910~2008年的关于生态系统自我修复的论文进行了统计分析研究,结果表明生物群落具有较强的自我恢复能力,尤其是深海生态系统的恢复只需要5年,而森林生态系统花费的时间最长,为56年,该项研究发表在顶级期刊《PLoS ONE》上。以下是其原文。
Research Highlights
Nature 459, 755 (11 June 2009) | doi:10.1038/459755a; Published online 10 June 2009
Ecology: Biomes bounce back
Ecosystems damaged by human activities such as agriculture and oil spills may be quicker to recover than was thought. Rather than taking centuries, or even millennia, to convalesce, Holly Jones and Oswald Schmitz at Yale University found that even severely damaged ecosystems could recover within decades.
The duo reviewed 240 independent scientific studies conducted between 1910 and 2008 that examined the recovery of large ecosystems from damaging human activities and natural disturbances such as hurricanes. They discovered that the longest average recovery time — found to be taken by forest ecosystems — was no more than 56 years. Deep-ocean ecosystems took only about 5 years.
原文地址(免费):PLoS ONE 4, e5653 (2009)
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