
时间:2010-12-16  阅读:    我要评论:

Melanomas acquire resistance to B-RAF(V600E) inhibition by RTK or N- RAS upregulation pp973 - 977
Recent data from early clinical trials in melanoma patients carrying  mutations in the B-RAF gene have shown promising results with the B- RAF kinase inhibitor PLX4032; however, many patients eventually  develop resistance to this treatment. Two papers now uncover possible  mechanisms of resistance to PLX4032. One paper shows that upregulation  of MAP3K8 (which encodes COT) can confer resistance of melanoma cells  to B-RAF inhibitors, whereas another paper found that melanomas can  acquire resistance due to mutations of N-RAS or increased expression  of PDGFRβ. Each of these resistance mechanisms seems to apply to at  least some patients on recent PLX4032 trial, whereas, surprisingly, so  far no secondary B-RAF mutations have been observed.
Ramin Nazarian et al.
Abstract: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v468/n7326/abs/nature09626.html
Article: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v468/n7326/full/nature09626.html

Crystal structure of bacterial RNA polymerase bound with a  transcription inhibitor protein pp978 - 982
A crystal structure of bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) bound to the  transcription inhibitor Gfh1 reveals the mechanism of inhibition by  Gfh1 and an alternative ratcheted state of RNAP.
Shunsuke Tagami et al.
Abstract: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v468/n7326/abs/nature09573.html
Article: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v468/n7326/full/nature09573.html

Single-molecule imaging reveals mechanisms of protein disruption by a  DNA translocase pp983 - 987
Protein machineries that move along the DNA, such as DNA polymerases  and helicases, will necessarily encounter other bound proteins  interacting with specific sites. Using 'curtains' of labelled DNA,  this study measured whether such bound proteins interfere with the  activity of the bacterial DNA translocase RecBCD. The translocase is  able to push the proteins over nonspecific sites for thousands of base  pairs before they are displaced.
Ilya J. Finkelstein, Mari-Liis Visnapuu and Eric C. Greene
Abstract: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v468/n7326/abs/nature09561.html
Article: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v468/n7326/full/nature09561.html

The mechanism of sodium and substrate release from the binding pocket  of vSGLT pp988 - 991
Here, a comprehensive study of the sodium/galactose transporter  (vSGLT) is presented, consisting of molecular dynamics simulations,  biochemical characterization and a new crystal structure of the  'inward-open' conformation. These experiments show that sodium exit  causes a reorientation of transmembrane helix 1, opening an inner gate  required for substrate exit, while also triggering minor rigid-body  movements in two sets of transmembrane helical bundles. This cascade  of conformational changes is responsible for the proper timing of ion  and substrate release.
Akira Watanabe et al.
Abstract: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v468/n7326/abs/nature09580.html
Article: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v468/n7326/full/nature09580.html

Silence p996
Turn on, tune out.
John Frizell


《Nature》目录要览 — 2011-04-28出版

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