Reed Elsevier Environmental Challenge Proposals to Improve Access to Safe Water and Sanitation

时间:2012-03-29  阅读:    我要评论:


Reed Elsevier Environmental Challenge Proposals to Improve Access to Safe Water and Sanitation


Final Call for Reed Elsevier Environmental Challenge Proposals to Improve Access to Safe Water and Sanitation

15 April deadline for innovative solutions to water scarcity

The Reed Elsevier Environmental Challenge will accept proposals through 15 April 2012 for innovative ideas to ensure access to safe water and improved sanitation for communities where access is at risk. The winning project will receive a prize of $50,000, with a $25,000 second place prize.  Projects must have clear practical applicability, addressing identified need, advance related issues such as health, education, or human rights, and include the following criteria:

·  Be replicable, scalable and sustainable and set a high benchmark for innovation

·  Have practical applicability

·  Address non-discrimination/equity of access

·  Involve and impacts a range of stakeholders

·  Have local/community-level engagement  

The Reed Elsevier Environmental Challenge is open to individuals or organisations operating in the not-for-profit and for-profit sectors.  Relevant Reed Elsevier products such as Water Research, the journal of the International Water Association, will be made available to applicants to help prepare their competition entry.  The winning entries will be highlighted in Water Research.

For more information please visit



关键词:Reed Elsevier Environmental Challenge,Safe Water and Sanitation

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来源:环境人  作者:Environmentor  (环境人 Environmentor.Cn


