
时间:2009-04-04  阅读:    我要评论:

    现在对超过1000个微生物微环境(每个 含有18个反硝化物种)中最初物种均匀性的效应所做的一项研究表明,一个生态系统越不均匀,它对环境压力就越敏感。在咸度压力事件中生态系统净反硝化作用 的稳定性,对于那些在生命开始时物种均匀性高的群落来说,要比那些在其中一个或少数几个物种占极大支配地位的群落更大。
Nature 458 , 623-626 (2 April 2009) | doi :10.1038/nature07840 ; Received 17 September 2008; Accepted 28 January 2009; Published online 8 March 2009
Initial community evenness favours functionality under selective stress
Lieven Wittebolle 1 , 5 , Massimo Marzorati 1 , 5 , Lieven Clement 2 , Annalisa Balloi 4 , Daniele Daffonchio 4 , Kim Heylen 3 , Paul De Vos 3 , Willy Verstraete 1 & Nico Boon 1
  1. LabMET, Laboratory of Microbial Ecology & Technology,
  2. BIOSTAT, Department of Applied Mathematics, Biometrics and Process Control,
  3. LM-UGent, Laboratory of Microbiology, Department of Biochemistry, Physiology and Microbiology, Ghent University, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium
  4. DISTAM, Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari e Microbiologiche, Università degli Studi di Milano, 20133 Milan, Italy
  5. These authors contributed equally to this work.
  Owing to the present global biodiversity crisis, the biodiversity–stability relationship and the effect of biodiversity on ecosystem functioning have become major topics in ecology . Biodiversity is a complex term that includes taxonomic, functional, spatial and temporal aspects of organismic diversity, with species richness (the number of species) and evenness (the relative abundance of species) considered among the most important measures . With few exceptions , the majority of studies of biodiversity-functioning and biodiversity–stability theory have predominantly examined richness . Here we show, using microbial microcosms, that initial community evenness is a key factor in preserving the functional stability of an ecosystem. Using experimental manipulations of both richness and initial evenness in microcosms with denitrifying bacterial communities, we found that the stability of the net ecosystem denitrification in the face of salinity stress was strongly influenced by the initial evenness of the community. Therefore, when communities are highly uneven, or there is extreme dominance by one or a few species, their functioning is less resistant to environmental stress. Further unravelling how evenness influences ecosystem processes in natural and humanized environments constitutes a major future conceptual challenge.
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