Reductive Dehalogenation of Dichlorobenzenes and Monochlorobenzene to Benzene in Microcosms

时间:2009-04-18  阅读:    我要评论:

Jennifer M. Fung§, Brian P. Weisenstein, E. Erin Mack, John E. Vidumsky, Tom A. Ei and Stephen H. Zinder* Department of Microbiology, Wing Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853, and DuPont Corporate Remediation Group, Newark, Delaware 19714Environ. Sci. Technol., 2009, 43 (7), pp 2302–2307DOI: 10.1021/es802131dPublication Date (Web): February 19, 2009Copyright © 2009 American Chemical Society †

Cornell University.

, §

Present address: LanzaTech, Auckland, New Zealand.

, ‡

DuPont Corporate Remediation Group.

, * *Corresponding author phone: (607) 255-2415; fax: (607) 255-3904; e-mail:


Anaerobic microcosms were constructed using sediments from a historically chlorobenzene-contaminated site and were provided with yeast extract as an electron donor. In these methanogenic microcosms, all three isomers of dichlorobenzene (DCB) were reductively dehalogenated to monochlorobenzene (MCB) when added together or individually, with 1,2-DCB dehalogenation being the most rapid and 1,4-DCB the slowest. When nearly all of the DCBs were consumed, benzene was detected and its accumulation was concomitant with MCB disappearance. Small amounts of toluene were also detected along with benzene. Subsequent MCB doses were also converted to benzene, and benzene reached levels in excess of 5000 μmol/L in some microcosms. An initial DCB dose stimulated, and in some cases was necessary for, MCB dehalogenation. Subsequent doses of DCB or MCB were dehalogenated more rapidly than previous ones, consistent with a growth-related process. Addition of a ca. 4% inoculum from microcosms that had consumed DCBs or MCB stimulated DCB and MCB dehalogenation in fresh microcosms, also indicative of growth and suggests that the chlorobenzene-dehalogenating microorganisms in these microcosms are candidates for bioaugmentation at anaerobic DCB or MCB contaminated sites. These studies add to evidence that benzene production from chlorobenzenes needs to be considered when modeling processes at contaminated sites.


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