Postdoc position: Atmospheric science, environmental fluid mechanics, remote sensing (University of

时间:2011-06-16  阅读:    我要评论:


Postdoc position: Atmospheric science, environmental fluid mechanics, remote sensing (University of Alberta , Canada)



Atmospheric science, environmental fluid mechanics, remote sensing

RANK: Postdoctoral researcher position
INSTITUTION: University of Alberta

A postdoctoral researcher position is available in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Alberta to conduct research related to use of eddy covariance for measuring emissions of air pollutants from area sources. The successful applicant will also be expected to assist in the training and mentoring of graduate students, writing research proposals. The ideal candidate should have experience with using eddy covariance techniques. Familiarity in open-path remote sensing techniques is desirable. The ideal candidate should hold a Ph.D. in Atmospheric Science, Mechanical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, or other suitable field; and also have excellent communication skills and a record of publishing in peer-reviewed journals. Applicants should send a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, the contact information of three referees, and sample of relevant publications to Dr. Zaher Hashisho, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 3-088 NREF, Edmonton , Alberta , Canada T6G 2W2 , or electronically to . Review of applications will begin immediately and applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Further information on research in Dr. Hashisho's group may be found at . The University of Alberta , founded in 1908, is one of the largest universities in Canada . USNEWS Ranking of World's Best Engineering Schools ranked the University of Alberta 46 th worldwide. More information about the University of Alberta can be found at


Postdoc positions at the University of Alberta
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Post-Doctoral Position in Colloid and/or Reactive Transport Modeling in Western University
关键词:Postdoc,Atmospheric science, environmental fluid mechanics, remote sensing,Unive

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