国外招聘 - 美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室能源分析部招聘博士后
时间:2009-04-15 阅读: 我要评论:
Be part of something great! The Energy Analysis Department has an opportunity for a Postdoc to be part of The Heat Island Group to study ways to save energy, improve air quality, and slow global warming by passively cooling cities during the summertime. Summer heat islands can be mitigated through “cool community” programs that deploy cool roofs, cool pavements, and urban vegetation. With guidance and supervision from scientists, you will participate in projects to develop cool roofs, cool pavements, and cool surfaces for vehicles, and analyze their benefits. For more information, visit http://eetd.lbl.gov/r-bldgsee-crhi.html As a Postdoc, you will: * Characterize the radiative and mechanical properties of pigmented coatings, roofing materials, paving materials and car shells using spectrophotometer, pyranometer, emissometer and other techniques. * Experimentally characterize the soiling and weathering processes that reduce solar reflectance. * Participate in development of novel roofing, paving and car shell materials that retain high solar reflectance by resisting soiling and weathering. * Participate in development of novel “cool colored” roofing, paving and car shell materials that are more reflective than existing conventional and “cool” materials. * Apply heat transfer analysis, building energy simulation and/or meteorological modeling to analyze the influence of cool surfaces on building and vehicle energy uses. * Analyze and present results in the form of manuscripts and reports. Make presentations at scientific meetings and internal seminars. * Carry out collaborative research with research associates, post-doctoral fellows, visiting scientists and students with frequent meetings and discussions. * Collaborate in the development of research proposals and new scientific initiatives Key Success Factors: * A recent Ph.D. in materials science, physics, engineering or a closely related field. * Demonstrate expertise in materials science, ideally including those properties and processes that govern soiling, weathering, and surface reflectance. * Demonstrate familiarity with laboratory and field instruments used to measure radiative properties. * Demonstrate history of high quality laboratory work. * Exceptionally good written and oral communication skills. * The ability to work as an independent researcher with a high level of scientific judgment and initiative. * Demonstrate history of participation in collaborative efforts as a member of a diverse research team. Notes This is a full-time, one year appointment with the possibility of renewal based upon performance and continuation of funding.
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