资源免费试用 - SAGE文献数据库
时间:2009-04-20 阅读: 我要评论:
文献数据可SAGE提供免费使用,可下载全文,4月30日到期,详情如下。 | |||
Reminder- Free Access to all SAGE Journals ends April 30, 2009 |
Dear **, You still have time to register for free online access to all SAGE journals until April 30, 2009. The SAGE Journals Online platform provides users with access to one of the largest and most powerful collections of business, humanities, social sciences, and science, technical, and medical content in the world. SAGE is also the world's leading publisher of research methods and during the trial you will be able to search more than 25 research methods journals--from qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods to evaluation Registration only take a couple of minutes and gives you instant access to over 500 SAGE journals with content available from 1999-current. Register here: Kind regards, SAGE Tel: +44 (0)20 7324 8500 www.uk.sagepub.com If you need assistance with your trial, please contact: onlinesupport@sagepub.co.uk |
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免费账号 - 免费大学图书馆文献IE代理(2015-10-26) |
免费账号 - 免费大学图书馆文献IE代理(2015-05-18) |
免费账号 - 免费大学图书馆文献IE代理(2015-04-14) |
免费账号 - 免费大学图书馆文献IE代理(2015-03-16) |
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