高宝玉教授 - 山东大学环境科学与工程学院院长、教授

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高宝玉教授 - 山东大学环境科学与工程学院院长、教授
e-mail: bygao@sdu.edu.cn
1996.3-1999.3 清华大学环境科学与工程系环境工程专业,获工学博士学位;
1984.9-1987.7 上海华东化工学院(现华东理工大学)环境工程系环境化工专业,获工学硕士学位;
1978.10-1982.7 华东石油学院(现中国石油大学)石油炼制系化学专业,获理学学士
2001.1-至今, 山东大学环境科学与工程学院,院长、教授、博士生导师;
2008.6-2008.7 美国stevens institute of technology土木、环境和海洋工程系环境系统中心,客座教授;
1999.9-2000.12 山东大学化学与环境科学学院,教授、副院长;
1999.11-2000.2 德国karlsruhe大学水环境工程研究所,访问学者(daad资助);
2003.8-2003.11 德国karlsruhe大学englar-bunte研究所水化学研究室,访问学者 (daad资助);
1998.10-1999.10 山东大学环境工程系,副教授、副系主任;
1995.5-1998.10 山东大学环境工程系,副教授;
1995.1-1995.5 美国saint vincent 学院,客座教授;
1989.1-1995.4 山东大学环境科学中心,讲师、副教授;
1987.8-1988.12 山东大学化学系,助教,讲师;
1982.8-1984.8 华东石油学院石油炼制系有机化学教研室,助教。
先后承担和参加了国家水专项课题、国家“863”课题、国家“十一五”科技攻关支撑计划课题、国家自然科学基金课题、教育部优秀青年教师资助计划项目、教育部重点科技项目、高等学校博士点专项科研基金课题、山东省优秀中青年科学家奖励基金课题、山东省科技重点攻关项目、山东省自然科学基金课题、山东省环境保护重点项目等50余项, 鉴定成果21项,申请发明专利17项(授权7项)。在中外文学术期刊上发表学术论文260余篇(其中被sci、ei和istp收录130余篇),国内外学术会议论文60余篇。开发研制出十余种新型高效水处理剂,研制开发出的产品大多已投入到工业生产和应用中去,研究成果获各种奖励10余项(其中:国家科技进步二等奖1项,教育部提名国家科技进步二等奖1项,环境保护科学技术三等奖1项,山东省十大科技成果1项,山东省科技进步二等奖3项、三等奖7项,山东省自然科学三等奖1项)。于1999年获中国环境科学学会第三届《优秀环境科技工作者奖》,于2003年获中国环境科学学会第五届《优秀环境科技工作者奖》和《优秀环境科技工作者特别提名奖》,于2002年被评为山东省十佳杰出中青年科学家称号。

1. gao baoyu, liu zonggang, yue qinyan and zhao huazhang. morphology and electrical conductivity of pacs. j. environmental science, 2000, 12(3):319-324. (ei收录).
2. gao baoyu, yue qinyan and zhao huazhang. properties of polyferric- silicate-sulfate(pfss) coagulant. j. environmental science, 2000, 12(2): 232-235 (ei收录).
3. b. gao, q. yue, h. zhao, y. song. properties and evaluation of polyferric-silicate- sulfate(pfss) coagulant as a coagulant for water treatment. in: chemical water and wastewater treatment vi,
h.h.hahn, e.hoffman, h.degaard (eds). springer, berlin heidelberg new york, 2000, 15-22. (istp收录)
4. gao bao-yu, yue qin-yan, yu hui, wang yan. distribution of aluminum species and the characteristics of structure of poly-aluminum-chloride-sulfate(pacs). journal of evironmental sciences,2001, 13(1):108-114. (sci和ei收录)
5. baoyu gao, qinyan yue, bingjiang wang. the chemical species distribution and transformation of polyaluminum silicate chloride coagulant. chemosphere, 2002:46(6):809-813. (sci和ei收录)
6. hua-zhang, zhao-kun luan, bao-yu gao, qin-yan yue. synthesis and flocculation
properties of poly(diallyldimethyl ammonium chloride-vinyl trimethoxysilane) and poly(diallydimethyl ammonium chloride-acrylamide-vinyl trimethoxysilane). journal of applied polymer science, 2002, vol.84, 335-342. (sci和ei收录)
7. b.y.gao, h.h.hahn, e. hoffmann. evaluation of aluminum-silicate polymer composite as a coagulant for water treatment. water research, 2002, 36:3573-3581. (sci和ei收录)
8. yue qin-yan, gao bao-yu, wang bing-jiang. electrokinetic characteristic and coagulation behavior of flocculant polyaluminum silicate chloride (pasic). journal of environmental sciences, 2003, 15(1): 69-74.(sci和ei收录)
9. bao-yu gao, qin-yan yue, bing-jian wang. electrphoretic nature and evaluation of poly-aluminum-chloride-sulfate(pacs) as a coagulant for water and wastewater treatment. journal of environmental science and health- part a, toxic/hazardous substances & environmental engineering, 2003, vol.a38 (5):897-907. (sci和ei收录)
10. baoyu gao, qinyan yue and jing miao. evaluation of polyaluminum ferric chloride (pafc) as a composite coagulant for water and wastewater treatment. water science and technology, 2003, 47(1):127-132. (sci 和ei收录)
11. gao b y, yue q y, wang b j and chu y b. poly-aluminum-silicate- chloride (pasic)-a new type of composite inorganic polymer coagulant, colloids and surfaces, 2003,229(1-3):121-127. (sci和ei收录)
12. baoyu gao, qinyan yue, bingjian wang. coagulation efficiency and residual aluminum content of polyaluminum silicate chloride in water treatment. acta hydrochimica et hydrobiologica, 2004, 32(2):125-130. (sci收录)
13. gao bao-yu, yue qin-yan. natural organic matter (nom) removal from surface water by coagulation. journal of environmental sciences, 2005, 17(1):119-122 (sci和ei收录)
14. bao-yu gao, yong-bao chu, qin-yan yue, bing-jian wang, shu-guang wang.characterization and coagulation of a polyaluminum chloride (pac) coagulant with high al13 content. journal of environmental management, 2005, 76(2):143-147. (sci收录)
15. baoyu gao , qinyan yue. effect of so42-/al3+ ratio and oh-/al3+ value on the characterization of coagulant poly-aluminum-chloride-sulfate (pacs) and its coagulation performance in water treatment,chemosphere,2005, 61(4):579-584. (sci收录)
16. 高宝玉,孔春燕,岳钦艳,王晓娜,初永宝,王曙光。聚合氯化铝中al13形态的分离纯化方法及特性。化学学报,2005,63(18):1671-1675。 (sci收录)
17. weizhi zhou, baoyu gao, qinyan yue, lili liu,yan wang. al-ferron kinetics and quantitative calculation of al (iii) species in polyaluminum chloride coagulants. surfaces a: physicochemical and engineering aspects 278 ,2006,235-240. (sci和ei收录)
18. wang yan, gao bao-yu, yue qin-yan, zhou wei-zhi and chu yong-bao.on-line optical determination of floc size of fe (Ⅲ) coagulants. journal of environmental sciences , 2005, 17(6): 921-925. (sci和ei收录)
19. bao-yu gao, yan wang, qin-yan yue. the chemical species distribution of aluminum in composite flocculants prepared from polyaluminum chloride (pac) and polydimethyldiallylammonium chloride (pdmdaac). acta hydrochimica et hydrobiologica, 2005, 33(4): 365-371 (sci收录)
20. 初永宝,高宝玉,岳钦艳,王燕,王曙光。凝胶色谱法分离聚合氯化铝中 al13形态的特性研究。中国科学 b辑 化学 2005, 35 (5): 385~389。
21. qi kang,baoyu gao, jingtian hu and dazhong shen. influence of light scattering by residual alumina nanoparticles on the analysis of surfactants adsorption using spectroscopy. adsorption, 2005,11:519-527. (sci收录)
22. bao-yu gao, qin-yan yue, and bing-jian wang.properties and coagulation performance of poly-aluminum- ferric-silicate-chloride coagulant in water and wastewater treatment.journal of environmental science and health- part a, toxic/hazardous substances & environmental engineering, 2006, a41(7):1281-1292.. (sci收录)
23. bao-yu gao, qin-yan yue, yan wang, wei-zhi zhou. color removal from dye-containing wastewater by magnesium chloride. journal of environmental management (in press)(sci收录)
24. chu yongbao, gao baoyu, yue qinyan, wang yan, wang shuguang. characterization and separation of al13 species using gel-filtration chromatography. science in china: series b chemistry, 2006, 49(4):326-331 (sci收录)
25. wang yan, chu yong-bao, gao baoyu, yue qinyan, zhou wei-zhi. on-line optical determination of floc by using an optical monitor. journal of harbin institute of technology (new series),2005,vol. 12,sup., 62-68. (ei收录)
26. 李倩,岳钦艳,高宝玉,刘莉莉。阳离子膨润土对分散染料的吸附动力学研究。高等学校化学学报,2006,27(4):1113-1117。(sci收录)
27.gao, b. y., abbt-braun, g., frimmel, f. h. preparation and evaluation of poly- aluminum-chloride-sulfate (pacs) as a coagulant to remove natural organic matter from water. acta hydrochimica et ydrobiologica, 2006,34(5):491-497. (sci收录)
28.bao-yu gao , yan wang, qin-yan yue, jin-cheng wei, qian li. color removal from simulated dye water and actual textile wastewater using a composite coagulant prepared by ployferric chloride and polydimethyldiallylammonium chloride. separation and purification technology,2006, 2007,54(2):157-163. (sci收录)
29.bao yu gao, qin yan yue and yan wang. coagulation performance of polyaluminum silicate chloride (pasic)for water and wastewater treatment. journal of environmental management2007, 82(2):167-172 (sci收录)
30.wang shu-guang,gong wen-xin,liu xian-wei,gao bao-yu,yue qin-yan. removal of fulvic acids using the surfactant modified zeolite in a fixed-bed reactor. separation and purification technology,2006,51(3):367-373. (sci和ei收录)
31.qin-yan yue , qian li, bao-yu gao, yan wang. kinetics of adsorption of disperse dyes by polyepicholorohydrin-dimethylamine cationic polymer/bentonite. separation and purification technology, 2007,54:279-290.(sci收录)
32.q.-y. yue, q. li, b.-y. gao, a.-j. yuan, y. wang, formation and characteristics of cationic-polymer/bentonite complexes as adsorbents for dyes, appl. clay sci., 2007, 35(3-4):268-275(sci和ei收录)
33.bao yu gao, qin yan yue and yan wang. coagulation performance of polyaluminum silicate chloride (pasic)for water and wastewater treatment. separation and purification technology, 2007,56:225-230(sci收录)
35.qi kang, baoyu gao, qingyan yue, weizhi zhou, dazhong shen, residual color profiles of reactive dyes mixture during a chemical flocculation process, colloids and surfaces a: physicochemical and engineering aspects. 2007,299(1-3):45-53(sci和ei收录)
36.yan wang, bao-yu gao , qin-yan yue, jin-cheng wei, wei-zhi zhou, ruochuan gu. color removal from textile industry wastewater using composite flocculants. environmental technology,2007,28:629-637 (sci收录)
37.wang shu-guang, liu xian-wei, gong wen-xin, gao bao-yu, zhang dong-hua, yu han-qing. aerobic granulation with brewery wastewater in a sequencing batch reactor. bioresource technology,2007, 98 (11):2142-2147(sci收录)
38.shu-guang wang, wen-xin gong, xian-wei liu, lin tian, qin-yan yue and bao-yu gao. production of a novel bioflocculant by culture of klebsiella mobilis using dairy wastewater. biochemical engineering journal, 2007,36:81-86.(sci收录)
39.wang yu, gao baoyu, yue wenwen, yue qinyan. adsorption kinetics of nitrate from aqueous solutions onto modified wheat residue. colloids and surfaces a: physicochem. eng. aspects, 2007, 308:1-5.(sci和ei收录)
40. shu-guang wang, xian-wei liu, wen-xin gong, wei nie, bao-yu gao and qin-yan yue. adsorption of fulvic acids from aqueous solutions by carbon nanotubes. journal of chemical technology and biotechnology, 2007, 82:698–704. (sci收录)
41.qian li, qin-yan yue , yuan su, bao-yu gao, lin fu. cationic polyelectrolyte/ bentonite prepared by ultrasonic technique and its use as adsorbent for reactive blue k-gl dye, journal of hazardous materials 147 (2007) 370–380.(sci收录)
42.shu-guang wang,, xian-wei liu, hua-yong zhang, wen-xin gong,xue-fei sun, bao-yu gao. aerobic granulation for 2,4-dichlorophenol biodegradation in a sequencing batch reactor. chemosphere,2007,69 769–775.(sci收录)
43. wang yu, gao bao-yu, yue wen-wen, yue qin-yan. preparation and utilization of wheat straw anionic sorbent for the removal of nitrate from aqueous solution. journal of environmental sciences,2007,19:1305-1310(sci和ei收录)
44.shu-guang wang , wen-xin gong, xian-wei liu, ya-wei yao, bao-yu gao, qin-yan yue. removal of lead (ii) from aqueous solution by adsorption onto manganese oxide-coated carbon nanotubes. separation and purification technology, 2007,58,17-23. (sci收录)
45.q. y. yue, b. y. gao, y. wang, h. zhang, x. sun, s. g. wang, roy r. gu synthesis of polyamine flocculants and their potential use in treating dye wastewater. journal of hazardous materials,2008,152:221–227 (sci收录)
46.gao baoyu, zhu xiaobiao, xu chunhua, yue qinyan, li weiwei, wei jincheng. influence of extracellular polymeric substances on microbial activity and cell hydrophobicity in biofilms. journal of chemical technology & biotechnology,2008,83:227-232. (sci收录)
47.wen-xin gong, shu-guang wang , xue-fei sun, xian-wei liu, qin-yan yue, bao-yu gao. bioflocculant production by culture of serratia ficaria and its application in wastewater treatment. bioresource technology, 2008, 99: 4668–4674.(sci收录)
48.wen cheng, shu-guang wanga, lei lu, wen-xin gong, xian-wei liu, bao-yu gao,hua-yong zhang. removal of malachite green (mg) from aqueous solutions by native and heat-treated anaerobic granular sludge. biochemical engineering journal, 2008,39 538–546(sci收录)
49.chu yongbao, gao baoyu, yue qinyan, wang yan. investigation of dynamic processing on aluminum floc aggregation: cyclic shearing recovery and effect of sulfate ion. science in china series b: chemistry, 2008,51(4): 386-392. (sci收录)
50.xue-fei sun, shu-guang wang, xian-wei liu, wen-xin gong, nan bao,bao-yu gao, hua-yong zhang. biosorption of malachite green from aqueous solutions onto aerobic granules: kinetic and equilibrium studies. bioresource technology,2008,99:3475–3483.(sci收录)
51.yan wang, baoyu gao, qinyan yue, jincheng wei, qian li. the characterization and flocculation efficiency of composite flocculant iron salts-polydimethyldiallylammonium chloride. chemical engineering journal,2008,142(2):175-181(sci收录)
52.shu-guang wang , xue-fei sun, xian-wei liu,wen-xin gong, bao-yu gao, nan bao. chitosan hydrogel beads for fulvic acid adsorption: behaviors and mechanisms. chemical engineering journal, 2008, 142:239-249. (sci收录)
53.li-hong gai, shu-guang wang,∗wen-xin gong,xian-wei liu,bao-yu gao and hua-yong zhang. influence of ph and ionic strength on cu(ii) biosorption by aerobic granularsludge and biosorption mechanism. journal of chemical technology and biotechnology, 2008, 83:806–813. (sci收录)
54.yujiang li, baoyu gao, tao wu, weisuo chen, xia li, biao wang. adsorption kinetics for removal of thiocyanate from aqueous solution by calcined hydrotalcite. colloids and surfaces a: physicochemical and engineering aspects, 2008, 325(1-2):38-43.(sci收录)
55.bao-yu gao,yan wang,qin-yan yue,jin-cheng wei, qian li. the size and coagulation behavior of a novel composite inorganic-organic coagulant. separation and purification technology, 2008,62 :544–550 (sci收录)
56.li ying, yue qinyan, gao baoyu, li qian, li chunling. adsorption thermodynamic and kinetic studies of dissolved chromium onto humic acids. colloids and surfaces b: biointerfaces,2008, 65 (1): 25–29. (sci收录)
57.xing xu, baoyu gao, wenyi wang, qinyan yue, yu wang, shouqing ni. adsorption of phosphate from aqueous solutions onto modified wheat residue:characteristics, kinetic and column studies. colloids and surfaces b: biointerfaces,2009,70: 46–52.(sci收录)
58.j. c. wei, b. y. gao, q. y. yue, y. wang. comparison of coagulation behavior and floc structure characteristic of different polyferric-cationic polymer dual-coagulants in humic acid solution. water research, 2009,43(3):724-732. (sci收录)
59.yan wang, baoyu gao, xiu-ming xu, wei-ying xu, gui-ying xu. characterization of floc size, strength and structure in various aluminum coagulants treatment. journal of colloid and interface science,2009,332: 354-359. (sci收录)
60. shuxin han, qinyan yue , min yue, baoyu gao, yaqin zhao, wenjing cheng. effect of sludge-fly ash ceramic particles (sfcp) on synthetic wastewater treatment in an a/o combined biological aerated filter. bioresource technology, 2009,100(3):1149–1155. (sci收录)
61.juan wu, jian zhang , wenlin jia, huijun xie, roy r. gu, cong li, baoyu gao. impact of cod/n ratio on nitrous oxide emission from microcosm wetlands and their performance in removing nitrogen from wastewater. bioresource technology, 2009,100:2910–2917. (sci收录)
62.gao baoyu,chu yongbao, yue qinyan, wang yan. purification and characterization of al13 species in coagulant polyaluminum chloride. journal of environmental sciences,2009, 21(1):18-22. (sci和ei收录)
63.veeriah jegatheesan, seung-hyun kim, c. k. joo, baoyu gao. evaluating the effects of granular and membrane filtrations on chlotine demand in drinking water. journal of environmental sciences,2009, 21(1):23-29. (sci和ei收录)
64.yujiang li, baoyu gao, tao wu, biao wang, xia li. hexavalent chromium removal from aqueous solution by adsorption on aluminum magnesium mixed hydroxide. journal of hazardous materials,2009 (in press ) (sci收录)
65. xue-fei sun, shu-guang wang, xian-wei liu, wen-xin gong, nan bao, bao-yu gao. competitive biosorption of zinc (ii) and cobalt (ii) in single- and binary-metal systems by aerobic granules. journal of colloid and interface science, 2009 (in press). (sci收录)
66.gao bao-yu, wang yu, yue qin-yan, xu xing, yue wen-wen and xuxiu-ming. adsorption kinetics of nitrate from aqueous solutions ontomodified corn residu. international journal of environment and pollution,2008, (in press).(sci收录)
67.bao-yu gao, xing xu, yu wang, qin-yan yue, xiu-ming xu.preparation and characterization of quaternary amino ion exchanger from wheat residue . journal of hazardous materials,2009(in press ). (sci收录)
68.jincheng wei, baoyu gao, qinyan yue, yan wang, lei lu. performance and mechanism of polyferric-quaternary ammonium salt composite flocculants in treating high organic matter and high alkalinity surface water. journal of hazardous materials,2009(in press ). (sci收录)
69.qian li, qin-yan yue, yuan su, bao-yu gao, jing li. two-step kinetic study on the adsorption, desorption of reactive dyes at cationic polymer/bentonite. journal of hazardous materials,2009(in press ). (sci收录)
70.jincheng wei, baoyu gao, qinyan yue, yan wang. effect of dosing method on color removal performance
and flocculation dynamics of polyferric-organic polymer dual-coagulant in synthetic dyeing solution. chemical engineering journal 2009,(in press ). (sci收录)
71.yan wang,wei-zhi zhou, bao-yu gao , xiu-ming xu, gui-ying xu. the effect of total hardness on the coagulation performance of aluminum salts with different al species. separation and purification
technology, 2009(in press ). (sci收录)
72.shuying pan, baoyu gao*,qinyan yue. effect of adding sorbents on adsorption capability of soil for nano-tio2. chemical research in chinese universities, 2009,25 (3):(in press ). (sci收录)
73.shu-guangwang, li-hong gai, li-jian zhao, mao-hong fan,wen-xin gong, bao-yu gao and yue ma. aerobic granules for low-strength wastewater treatment: formation, structure, and microbial community. j chem technol biotechnol 2009; 84: (in press ) .(sci收录)
74. shao-xiang teng, shu-guang wang, xian-wei liu,wen-xin gong, xue-fei sun,jiang-jie cui, bao-yu gao. interaction between congo red and copper in a binary adsorption system: spectroscopic and kinetic studies. colloids and surfaces a: physicochem. eng. aspects, 2009(in press ). (sci收录)
75.yue ma, shu-guang wang, maohong fan, wen-xin gong, bao-yu gao. characteristics and defluoridation performance of granular activated carbons coated with manganese oxides. journal of hazardous materials,
2009(in press ). (sci收录)
1. “无机高分子絮凝剂及高效絮凝技术”成果获2004年度国家科技进步二等奖;
2. “高效多功能无机-有机复合水处理剂的研制及开发” 成果获2006年度山东省科技进步二等奖;
3. “聚合铝硅无机高分子水处理剂” 成果获2003年度教育部提名国家科技进步二等奖;
4. “硅酸根/硫酸根对部分水解铝盐混凝剂中铝的形态及性能影响研究” 成果获2008年度山东省科技
5. “崂山生态及保护研究” 成果获得2008年度山东省科技进步二等奖;
6. “新型混凝剂聚合硅铝铁的基础及应用性能研究” 成果获2006年度山东省科技进步三等奖;
7. “水和废水处理用混凝剂/絮凝剂的特性及应用基础研究” 成果获2007年度山东省自然科学三等
8. “山东省环境容量及主要污染物排放总量控制研究” 成果获2007年度山东省科技进步三等奖;
9. “高效多功能有机高分子絮凝剂”成果获2002年度山东省科技进步三等奖;
10. “se-z3型分散阻垢剂” 研究成果获1999年度山东省科技进步三等奖;
11. “jx-ii型絮凝剂” 成果获1995年度山东省科技进步三等奖;
12. “山东省环境容量及主要污染物排放总量控制研究” 成果被评为2002年度山东省十大科技成果。
1. 高宝玉,王燕,岳钦艳。“聚合铝—二甲基二稀丙基氯化铵均聚物无机有机复合絮凝剂及其制备工艺”,发明专利,专利号:zl 2004 1 0024480.1。
2. 高宝玉,张子健,岳钦艳,王曙光。“一种高alb含量聚合氯化铝混凝剂的制备方法和应用”,发明专利,专利号:zl200510043663.2。
3. 高宝玉,王燕,岳钦艳。“聚合铁—二甲基二烯丙基氯化铵均聚物无机有机复合絮凝剂及其制备工艺”,发明专利,专利号:200510043802.1。
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